Finials Are Timeless Window Treatment Accents

window treatment accents gallery of shades scottsdale az

Choosing your window treatments is just as personal as picking out your other home decor. Gallery of Shades in Scottsdale offers a large variety of window coverings and window treatment accents that gives you the opportunity to add your own taste and style to every room of your home.

For a different flair consider adding an extra decorative touch with window treatment accents like gorgeous and timeless, finials. Finials are beautiful decorative pieces added to the ends of curtain rods that give your drapes or curtains a fresh look that will dress up your treatments beautifully.

Our drapery treatments can be custom designed to coordinate and match with any room in your home. Draperies look beautiful alone or over shades like our extensive line of cellular shades or mini blinds. Rods with finials are a stylish and popular choice for any room. Finials can be chosen to add to the ends of drapery rods and come in every style perfect to suit your tastes and decor. The beauty of adding finials is that they can go with a classic look with fine details and elaborate designs or have a more modern sleek look depending on the look you are hoping to achieve.

Don’t settle for plain rods when you could showcase your draperies with beautiful and dramatic rods complete with decorative finials. Schedule a consultation with Gallery of Shades to design your draperies from our large selection of fabrics and designs. At the same time, we can help add the perfect finishing touch to drapery rods with finials that add just the right polish to any look you are hoping to achieve.

If you want to add your personal touch, are searching for something new and different yet has stood the test of time, contact Gallery of Shades for a consultation today.

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